
Over the past several months, healthcare workers have been asked to do more with less, balancing ongoing clinical initiatives with pandemic response. Yet, each day you continue to answer the call and step up to the challenge. A July 2020 American Journal of Infection Control publication highlighted preliminary findings that COVID-19 patients are at higher risk of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and the treatment of these patients can lead to increased CLABSI rates.1

At 3M, it’s our mission to partner with you to address clinical challenges and drive toward one goal: a world with zero complications. 


The importance of reducing the risk of bloodstream infections (BSI) is more important than ever right now, and 3M is here to help. 3M™ Tegaderm™ CHG Chlorhexidine Gluconate I.V. Securement Dressing is the ONLY transparent dressing cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce catheter-related bloodstream infections and vascular catheter colonization that aligns with evidence-based guidelines and practice standards.

Explore the “science behind the dressing” that’s helped meet clinician needs and transform patient care.

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Bloodstream infections (BSI) are a critical issue for healthcare facilities around the world. And 60% of all hospital-acquired BSIs originate from some form of vascular access.2

Visit to learn about solutions to help reduce the risk of BSI. 

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1 in 3 peripheral IVs become dislodged due to dressing failure.3  Visit to learn about solutions that can help you reduce the risk of IV failures. 

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We’re on a mission to elevate the critical role skin plays in the care and well-being of every person. We will work together with you to protect skin and reduce trauma through our patient-centered science. Visit to learn more. 

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We know health care professionals are constantly asked to do more with less—deliver better outcomes and reduce the total cost of care. The Peak Program provides you with the resources you need to drive change at your facility. Plus, we offer a vascular access assessment tool that empowers you to drive compliance by streamlining the review process and receiving customized, real-time feedback. Visit to learn more. 

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1. McMullen K, Smith A, Rebmann T. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Hospital Acquired Infection Rates in the United States: Predictions and Early Results. American Journal of Infection Control. Available online 2 July 2020. 

2.Scheithauer S, Lewalter K, Schröder J, Koch A, Häfner H, Krizanovic V, Nowicki K, Hilgers RD, Lemmen SW. Reduction of central venous line-associated bloodstream infection rates by using a chlorhexidine-containing dressing. Infection. 2014 Feb 1;42(1):155-9.

3.Jackson A. Retrospective comparative audit of two peripheral IV securement dressings. British Journal of Nursing. 2012; 21(2).