Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalances: A Clinical Refresher

The ubiquitous nature of fluid and electrolyte imbalances across most all practice settings necessitates regular review of the basics of renal, endocrine, and respiratory regulation of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. The infusion nurse has a unique role in baseline assessment of fluid and electrolyte status (and associated illness) with subsequent provision of prescribed therapies affecting the balance. This presentation will review basic physiology as it relates to fluid and electrolyte management, common presentations of fluid and electrolyte imbalances, as well as basic and emergent treatment considerations.

Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this session, attendees will be able to recall common presentations of fluid and electrolyte imbalances as well as recognize patients who require prompt treatment.

Abigail Zuehlke, BSN, CRNI®

RN, Martha Jefferson Hospital

Abigail Zuehlke, BSN, CRNI®, has considerable clinical experience in oncology, critical care, and emergency nursing. She has varied practice-setting experiences with fluid and electrolyte challenges, across the spectrum of illness, organic and iatrogenic. Abigail has a passion for quality improvement and meaningful solutions for hardworking bedside clinicians and their patients.


Breakout Session
Live event: 09/17/2020 at 1:00 PM (EDT) You must register to access.
Session Evaluation
The purpose of the Education Program Evaluation is to enable INS to evaluate each educational session and provide feedback to the speaker. You must register to access.
INS 2020 Virtual Credit