2:45pm Partner Presentation | Pharmacosmos | Iron Deficiency Anemia and IV Iron Therapy

The purpose of the presentation is to provide an overview of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and discuss treatment options with intravenous (IV) iron therapies. IDA is a form of anemia characterized by inadequate iron stores or low/no availability which leads to sub-optimal hemoglobin concentration and compromised RBC production. IDA is the most common type of anemia and affects approximately 5 million people living in the United States. Treatment options include oral and IV iron therapies. This presentation focuses on IV iron therapies and safety considerations such as hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) and hypophosphatemia. In terms of HSRs, topics discussed include premedication, risk factors, identification, classification and management of hypersensitivity reactions. In terms of hypophosphatemia, topics discussed include the physiological importance of phosphate homeostasis, signs and symptoms, mechanism of action and the clinical data illustrating the incidence and reported clinical sequelae of hypophosphatemia.

CRNI® RUs: 2 

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