Learning Center
How to Maintain Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT®) in Challenging Environments [virtual]
Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT®) is a defined term that includes a clinical practice framework that should be used for all invasive procedures. Nurses Stephen Rowley and Simon Clare developed this framework based on evidence-based principles of effective hand hygiene, appropriate infection control precautions, nontouch technique for all procedures, and the concept that key parts and key sites must only touch other aseptic key parts and key sites. It is important to reiterate that ANTT® is designed and used for all invasive procedures, from major surgery to the simple maintenance of indwelling medical devices. The principles of the ANTT® practice framework incorporate two approaches to maintaining asepsis and include a simple risk assessment for determining the most appropriate approach. This session will discuss how to apply this practice framework in unique settings, including in a person's home, in the field, or when working with those who are unsuitably housed.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:
- Define Aseptic Non Touch Technique.
- Discuss challenges in maintaining aseptic technique in unique settings.
- Debate the use of standard versus surgical ANTT® in a home setting.
- Differentiate key parts and key sites.
- Identify challenges in incorporating ANTT® outside of acute care settings.
- Debunk myths regarding sterile technique, medical asepsis, and other terms used over the past decades.
Contact Hours: 1
CRNI® RUs: 2

Karen Laforet, RN, MClSc-WH, CCHN(C), CVAA(c), VA-BC™