Procedural Pain during Vascular Access Device Insertion in Adults

Half of adults undergoing placement of a VAD report significant pain and distress during the insertion procedure. Despite this, inserters do not consistently utilized strategies to minimise procedural pain. Moreover, few reliable instruments measuring outcomes and experiences related to VAD insertion are available. An emerging evidence base exists regarding strategies to address this aspect of vascular access care to measure and improve the patient experience, but targeted research efforts in this area are still needed to ensure high-quality care. This session will present the consumer voice of procedural pain during VAD insertion, explore the evidence base around pain management during VAD placement in adults, and discuss clinical practice recommendations and research priorities in this area.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: 

  1. Describe the patient perspective of pain and discomfort during VAD insertion.
  2. Discuss evidence-based pain management strategies during VAD insertion in adults.
  3. Explain strategies and interventions to manage insertion related pain and discomfort. 
  4. Discuss priorities and recommendations for future research regarding pain and discomfort during VAD insertions with adult patients.

Contact Hours: 1
CRNI® RUs: 2

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Session Evaluation
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