Vascular Access Specialist Teams: Time to Disrupt and Innovate

The current clinical provision of vascular access device procedures is largely shared amongst a variety of health care disciplines. Consistently, a synthesis of evidence and clinical studies on various vascular access devices report unacceptable outcomes for patients undergoing these procedures. Despite widespread use in hospitals and community settings, a dedicated vascular access specialist team (VAST) may not be the most effective process for device insertion, management, and governance. This presentation will highlight the importance of VASTs and the importance of trusted evidence to implement a team within a variety of health care settings globally. It will challenge the assumption that omnipresent vascular access teams in health care are effective, argue for better evidence, and identify the opportunities that exist for VAST to disrupt and innovate using an evidence-based approach. 

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

  1. Describe the complexity of vascular access and why a team approach is required. 
  2. Name types of evidence that support vascular access team approaches.  
  3. Verbalize the potential for the vascular access specialist team entity in health care and how they could assist with evidence generation for clinical guidelines.

Contact Hours: 1
CRNI® RUs: 2

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